Tag: Time-series
Ocupado: Visual Analysis of Building Occupancy using WiFi Data
In a multi-year visualization design study, we created and evaluated a set of visual decision-support tools centered around occupancy data for stakeholders in facilities management and planning. Ocupado uses WiFi devices as a proxy for human presence, capturing location-based counts that preserve privacy without trajectories.
Bike Sharing Atlas
The interactive visualization system bikesharingatlas.org supports the explorative data analysis of more than 460 bike-sharing networks worldwide. Being increasingly digitized, these networks nowadays produce data that can reveal interesting insights, not only into patterns of bicycle usage but also underlying spatio-temporal dynamics of a city.
TimeElide: Visual Analysis of Non-Contiguous Time Series Slices
TimeElide is a visual analysis tool for the novel data abstraction of non-contiguous time series slices, namely time intervals that contain a sequence of time-value pairs but are not adjacent to each other. This abstraction is relevant for analysis tasks where time periods of interest are known in advance or inferred from the data, rather than discovered through open-ended visual exploration.