Tag: Open-source
The Haptipedia Project
Haptipedia aims to close the gap between device and interaction designers, accelerate design exploration, and reduce fruitless reinventions. We accomplish this by exposing decades of haptic device inventions that have been buried in the literature and making them easy to search and compare through an open-source visualization and database.
Visualize Distributed Logs At Scale
VectorVis is a tool that enables interactive exploration of distributed system logs with coordinated views at the detail and summary level.
TimeElide: Visual Analysis of Non-Contiguous Time Series Slices
TimeElide is a visual analysis tool for the novel data abstraction of non-contiguous time series slices, namely time intervals that contain a sequence of time-value pairs but are not adjacent to each other. This abstraction is relevant for analysis tasks where time periods of interest are known in advance or inferred from the data, rather than discovered through open-ended visual exploration.