The Haptipedia Project
Haptipedia is an online, open-source, visualization of a growing database of 105+ haptic devices invented since 1992. Device and experience designers, with backgrounds in haptics or in other design fields, can browse and search the database to track haptic technology evolution and ideate new devices, find devices that fit their project criteria and interests, and access information and resources for obtaining and/or fabricating them. They can contribute to the database by providing or verifying data on existing or new devices.
The Haptipedia Project is a collaboration between multiple research institutes. It is an independent and community-sourced project, meaning that the information is collected with community input but is reviewed and verified by our team of haptic experts before presented to the public.
The Haptipedia Project is a collaboration between multiple research institutes. It is an independent and community-sourced project, meaning that the information is collected with community input but is reviewed and verified by our team of haptic experts before presented to the public.
Capturing Experts’ Mental Models to Organize a Collection of Haptic Devices: Affordances Outweigh Attributes. Proc. Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2020
Haptipedia: Accelerating Haptic Device Discovery to Support Interaction & Engineering Design. Proc. Conf. Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2019
Workshop Organization
Haptipedia: An interactive database for selecting, ideating, and learning about grounded force-feedback devices
AsiaHaptics, South Korea, 2018
AsiaHaptics, South Korea, 2018